Hinduramu by Emily Kikazi and Ntare (Official Music Video)

Описание к видео Hinduramu by Emily Kikazi and Ntare (Official Music Video)


Translated version (Lyrics)
We started off well, loved each other and got married
We vowed and started a sweet journey,
We became one, opened our hearts, filled with love
But what is happening now is different
Just as a plant withers, our love has withered
A once caring man, who gave me his time, how now become a stranger in his own home!

Do not tell me about love I am fed up!
Am a man who works hard but you are not grateful
You have changed, you nolonger care,
Where is our first love?

My husband please change
My husband please change
My wife please change
Ohhh please change

When I have no money you complain,
When I go to work you still complain,
My dear wife, what should I do, I do not like quarrelling
Our first love seems gone, the good deeds seem no more
No more juice for me when I come back from..
You are left with almost not seeing me anymore

My husband please change
My husband please change
My wife please change
Ohhh please change

I appreciate what you are doing for me, But am more of a house girl
You leave early, you come back late and straight you go to bed,
We nolonger sit to discuss our family issues
These children need a father’s love
They need guidance from the father
What will it benefit you if you lose your family?
You found me good looking,
And I chose to be with you because of our love

My husband please change
My husband please change
My wife please change
Ohhh please change

We really need a vacation to discuss more
We get time together, we sort our family issues

True we need a vacation to discuss more
We get time together, We sort our family issues
Just as little flour can make a big meal
Even small mistakes ruin marriage
We need time and love

My husband let’s change
My husband let’s change
Ohh My wife let’s change
Ohh let’s change
Domestic violence is real in Uganda and World over.
It has led to family breakdown.

However, if everyone puts an effort to end it we would have better families.
Hinduramu video tells, teaches and sensitises how a couple can live and stay in Love despite any challenge.


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