Clutch Genie Screw Drive Maintenance, Repair, and Adjustment

Описание к видео Clutch Genie Screw Drive Maintenance, Repair, and Adjustment

This is a detailed video on the clutch Genie screw drive garage door openers, with common problems and how to fix them. This video also goes in-depth on how to repair the clutch on this operator to improve performance. This video applies to the following openers:
Openers with model numbers beginning in G, GX, GXL
BlueMax branded openers
I THINK That openers with model numbers beginning in SD also use the same type of clutch as the operator shown in the video.
If anybody has questions please let me know and I will do my best to answer them

0:00 Intro
1:26 Disconnect/Reconnect Operator
2:30 Safety Sensors
3:37 Limit Switches
4:45 Remote Control Programming
6:33 Wiring
7:37 Stripped Trolley
8:35 3-Piece Rail Connections
9:26 Remove Operator Cover
10:25 Internal Components
10:51 Blown Out Capacitor
11:54 Control Board/Receiver Board
12:28 End Bell
13:15 Clutch Explanation
13:55 Disassemble Clutch
16:21 Reluctor Hub
18:42 Scratch Reluctor Hub and Clutch Pad
19:52 Re-Assemble Clutch
21:40 Reluctor
22:17 Test Operator
23:07 Clutch Slip Demonstration
24:00 Clutch Adjustment
24:36 Replace Operator Cover
25:00 Outro


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