APA skill level 3 lesson: Pattern Play: There are no easy shots in pool!

Описание к видео APA skill level 3 lesson: Pattern Play: There are no easy shots in pool!

Dale Whitet is on a journey up the APA handicap ladder from his current position as a skill level 3 in the Equalizer handicap system. How do you get advance from a 3? It takes a lot of work and a stepwise approach because each rank in this pool handicap system has certain barriers that need to be crossed.

At this stage, we are concentrating on just a few things. First and foremost is pre-shot routine and the steps needed to perform a good pool stroke. We have been working on foot placement, grip, alignment, bridge, rhythm, aim, set pause and finish. Next we covered how to cheat the pocket to achieve position, as well as stop follow and draw. Now we have begun to work on understand what path the cue ball will take after striking the object ball.

The most basic elements of this involve understanding the difference between a rolling and sliding cue ball, which produce e either a 30 degree separation of the cue ball and object ball or a 90 degree separation. These are known as the 30 degree and 90 degree rules and they are critical to understanding the cue ball path whenever the object ball is struck between a one quarter ball and 3/4 ball hit. As he adopts an understanding of these aspects of the game Dale should rapidly move from a 3 to a 4 without having to apply any sidespin to the cue ball. We will be adding in sidespin at a later stage but right now it would inhibit her progress, not improve it.

Jim Brauker, PBIA/ACS certified pool instructor, works with Dale here on cue ball position and pattern play.


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