Lightweight Titanium pot holders

Описание к видео Lightweight Titanium pot holders

Trying out a couple of TOAKS titanium windscreen/potholders. These are nice, small and lightweight but they have their limitations. The windscreens both break down into four sections which snap together for fast assembly. Unfortunately, the panels from the different units are not interchangeable. I had a problem with the TI Stand and the TOAKS siphon stove,, which are advertised together. The burner got too hot and warped the 'tent stake' style pot holders. The other burners didn't have the same effect.
These windscreens are light enough that you might consider bringing both along to ensure one is compatible with your cook sets.

Once again, the lack of focus adjustment on the camera got me. Sorry about that. I had intended to get a new camera with my stimulus money, got this stuff instead and a new backpack...and a new transmission. :(

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