N scale Microtrains Uncouplers at work

Описание к видео N scale Microtrains Uncouplers at work

I was asked by a friend in a Yahoo forum how the Microtrains Couplers work to uncouple automatically. Well, it's quite simple but very clever!

I did this quick video to explain how it works. This is on my N scale home layout.

Firstly drive up to the magnet and stop. Then back up slightly releasing the tension on the coupler and create slack. Then pull forward and bingo! Uncoupled!
Now that they are open, (this is called the delayed position) you can push the wagon where you want it, as they will not couple over the magnet until you move away from it. If they are together in the delayed position, they will stay there until the train is stopped and moved forward slightly. This makes them spring back into their original position ready to be coupled again.

If the coupler is not slacked off over a magnet, then it will not uncouple.

See Video for explanation.


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