My insecurities and fears about holidays from my clinic

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Alright, let’s talk about something we all know we should do, but often don’t… taking breaks and holidays.

I’m currently away in Queenstown so this seemed timely.

I used to suck at taking time off. I avoided it at all costs. Time off was for people who weren’t dedicated to achieving their dreams. That was what I told myself and anyone who would listen.

But deep down I was feeling insecure and fearful.

What would happen if I took two weeks off to recharge? What would happen to my business? How would my team perceive me? Could I afford it financially?

So what did I do? I avoided taking time off, mostly…

When I did? Then I would constantly be checking in on work, making myself available, living my work life from a different destination. Let’s be honest, it wasn’t healthy. It wasn’t great for my relationships or for my own mental health.

Can you relate? No doubt many of you can.

Something had to change. So what did I do?

I focused on what was inside my control. I examined where these fears and insecurities came from? I took steps so I could be open and honest with myself and my team. I built systems and structures in my business to remove myself as the bottleneck.

And I won’t lie, at times I still struggle with time off to this day. But it’s a work in progress and I’m making positive steps forward. Want to hear more about my journey through this challenge? Check out my recent YouTube video on it HERE

So let me ask you, when was the last time you truly unplugged?

I’m talking about stepping away from the clinic, turning off the emails, slack and phone; and giving yourself the space to breathe.

Now if you’re thinking like I did, “I can’t afford to take time off,” here’s a different thought, can you afford not to?

Because running a clinic is demanding. It’s easy to get caught up in the day to day grind, feeling like you have to be on all the time. But here’s the reality, if you don’t take time to recharge, you’ll eventually hit a wall.

And when you’re burnt out, your clinic suffers. Your team feels it. Your clients feel it. You feel it.

Breaks aren’t just a luxury, they’re a necessity. They’re what keep you sharp, focused, and energised. They give you the perspective you need to make better decisions and the creativity to solve problems.

Ever notice how your best ideas often come when you’re away from the desk? That’s no accident.

Think about it, when you’re well rested, how much more effective are you? How much better are you at leading your team? How much more present are you with your clients?

Taking time off isn’t just about relaxing; it’s about coming back stronger, with more clarity and energy to drive your clinic forward.

And let’s be honest, if you’re always working, what message does that send to your team? Encouraging a healthy work-life balance starts with you.

When your team sees you valuing your own well being, it gives them permission to do the same. It creates a culture where rest is respected, and that’s a culture where everyone can thrive.

So, here’s the million dollar question, when’s your next break?

If you don’t have one planned, maybe it’s time to put it in the calendar. Your clinic will be better for it. And so will you.

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