How to Master Your Melatonin and Optimize Your Sleep - with Dr. Deanna Minich | EP168

Описание к видео How to Master Your Melatonin and Optimize Your Sleep - with Dr. Deanna Minich | EP168

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Without question, melatonin may well be the most popular nutritional supplement that people are talking about these days, and with good reason. There is an extensive body of science that looks at the use of melatonin in humans and the results of the research are certainly intriguing.

Dr. Deanna Minich has been at the forefront of melatonin research for the past several years. She brings to our attention some interesting new insights as a relates to using melatonin, including ways to optimize and personalize its use. Today on this podcast, we will discuss how melatonin interacts with our light exposure and how we can adjust our blue light exposure, especially at night, to maximize the effectiveness of melatonin. We will learn how to enhance melatonin functionality by making sure our vitamin D levels are where they need to be. We will explore melatonin in the wider context of our overall antioxidant status and our discussion will reveal differences in melatonin availability between men and women.

When should we take melatonin, what's your dosage be, and how do we adjust our dosage based upon the cycles of the moon? These are interesting questions, for sure. Dr. Minich does exemplary job in explaining these and other questions, and offers up some intriguing information as a relates to possible interactions between melatonin habits like caffeine consumption.

I hope you enjoy the program today. I know I found it very informative.


0:00 Intro
2:20 The Origin on Melatonin Supplements
9:24 Understanding Receptors: Time of Day & Dosages
13:07 Purity Coffee: Better For You Energy
14:15 How Light & Darkness Affects Melatonin
21:13 Setting a Caffeine Curfew
25:38 Antioxidants & Melatonin
28:58 Gender Specificities for Melatonin
31:28 Impact on the Gut Microbiome
33:19 How to Get Started on Supplements
36:10 Why Plants Make Melatonin
37:25 How the Moon Cycle Affects Melatonin
39:25 Melatonin: A Molecule of Consciousness
45:14 How Stress Impacts Melatonin
47:40 Wearable Technology
49:01 Rebound: Waking Up in the Middle of the Night
57:33 Conclusion


Deanna Minich, MS, PhD, CNS, Certified Functional Medicine Practitioner (IFMCP), is a nutrition scientist, international lecturer, teacher, and author, with over twenty years of experience in academia and in the food and dietary supplement industries. Throughout the years, she has been active as a functional medicine clinician in clinical trials and in her own practice (Food & Spirit™), which has now become oriented towards groups, workshops, and retreats. She is the author of six consumer books on wellness topics, four book chapters, and fifty scientific publications. Her academic background is in nutrition science, including a Master of Science (M.S.) degree in Human Nutrition and Dietetics from the University of Illinois at Chicago (1995) and a Doctorate (Ph.D.) in Medical Sciences (nutrition focus) from the University of Groningen in the Netherlands (1999).

Review article on melatonin authored by Dr. Minich:
Published article comparing plant melatonin to synthetic melatonin:
Research website on melatonin:


Visit for more information on Balance and use code PERLMUTTER for 30% off a one-time purchase of Balance. Applies to both 12oz bags and 5lb bags.
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