【もう一つの軍艦島】龍神伝説の池島散策 : 【Another Gunkanjima】Walking Around Ikeshima Island(Nagasaki, Japan)

Описание к видео 【もう一つの軍艦島】龍神伝説の池島散策 : 【Another Gunkanjima】Walking Around Ikeshima Island(Nagasaki, Japan)


【Ikeshima Island】
Ikeshima belongs to Nagasaki City. It is an island that once prospered at the Ikeshima Coal Mine. The coal mine was closed in 2001. This is called another Gunkanjima and is enjoyed by tourists. Currently, there are tours to enter the old mine by trolley train, which is enjoyed by tourists. The ferry terminal to Ikeshima is also located in the Sotome area, a World Heritage Site.

00:00 タイトル(Title)
00:15 フェリーターミナル(Ferry Terminal)
01:56 左側ルート (Clockwise Course)
04:51 トロッコ入り口(Minecart Entrance)
05:55 石炭船積み機(Coal Loading Machine)
08:56 ジブローダー(Coal Loading Machine)
10:13 龍神の祠(Dragon God's Shrine)
10:43 池島散策 (Walking Around Ikeshima)
13:59 右側ルート(CounterClockwise Course)
14:18 選炭工場(Coal Preparation Plant)
15:13 旧発電・造水施設(Old Power Plant and Desalination Plant)
17:26 炭鉱住宅跡(Former Site Of Workers Apartment Complex)
17:40 第一立坑(First Shaft Sinking)
18:22 ベルトコンベア(Belt Conveyor)
18:31炭鉱住宅跡(Former Site Of Workers Apartment Complex)
25:13 8階建て炭鉱住宅跡(Eight-Story Workers Apartment Complex)

長崎そとめ地区 : Hidden Christian Sites of Sotome
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