A Beginner's Guide to Graphing Data

Описание к видео A Beginner's Guide to Graphing Data

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Paul Andersen explains how graphs are used to visually display data that is collected in experimentation. He describes five main types of graphs; line graph, scatter plot, bar graph, histogram and pie chart. He describes the important elements of a successful graph including labeled axis, title, data and a line of fit.

Links at the end of the video include:

How to graph by hand:
   • Graphing Data by Hand  

How to graph by spreadsheet:
   • Graphing Data by Spreadsheet  

Intro Music Atribution
Title: I4dsong_loop_main.wav
Artist: CosmicD
Link to sound: http://www.freesound.org/people/Cosmi...
Creative Commons Atribution License


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