The Havamal - Stanza 2 - Role of Host and Guest - Odin's Words of Wisdom from the Poetic Edda

Описание к видео The Havamal - Stanza 2 - Role of Host and Guest - Odin's Words of Wisdom from the Poetic Edda

We discuss how a host and guest should interact with one another, and more about how this is a metaphor for confronting the unknown. Would you like to know more?

This is the Northern Myths Podcast, an archetypal exploration of the myths and legends of Northern Europe. Join us as we learn about Norse Mythology, Jungian Archetypes, and much more. Dan and Luke have a passion for mythology, and together we hope to explore these myths and legends and explain them in a way that can appeal to everyone in the modern world, and learn how to apply their lessons to everyday life.

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The Poetic Edda is the primary original source for the myths and legends of Norse Mythology. The Poetic Edda includes everything from the creation of the world to its destruction in Ragnarok, from the adventures of Thor to the wisdom of Odin. We are exploring these timeless stories to learn how the Norse people understood the world, and how we can apply their worldview to life today.

The Havamal is the collection of poetry attributed to Odin. It is included in the Poetic Edda and is a core element of Norse Mythology. The Havamal is a book of wisdom full of contraditions. At once it is an example of how to live and a cautionary tale mistakes to avoid. Included in the Havamal are the stories of the winning of the mead of poetry and Odin's sacrifice of himself to himself to discover the runes.


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