Incredibox | Gamebreaker (mix) | “ROM-Hacked”

Описание к видео Incredibox | Gamebreaker (mix) | “ROM-Hacked”

Well, this should be my first real mix after my short three day long break.
Well now that I’m nice and refreshed… I can finally make a mix in peace.
And what do you know, I actually really liked this one!
It’s a unique, albeit flawed mod, and I’m about to review it via text, as I do…

Yeah, gamebreaker is pretty unique.
Another interesting thing about it is that it’s based on a friday night funkin song that (in my opinion) isn’t very good.
And if any of you know about unfairness… that ain’t gonna work.
Then again, I could be wrong, what does this mod have to offer?
Well acapella, surprisingly enough.
I mean.. it’s not good acapella.
It’s more like the sort of acapella where you almost cringe in disgust at the sloshing and breathing you hear.
But oh well… it’s still something, and I guess those two acapella beats will just be our hi-hats.
As for the other sounds, well three effects are just windups, alright…
Every melody follows the same melodic line…
Yeah, not my cup of tea so far, how about the voices.
I actually really like the voices, they still follow the exact same melodic line but yknow… it’s something.
The real reason why I like the voices here is because this mod has a gimmick…
being that there is a pause at the end of loop two, sort of like that hamburger mod, right?
Exceot instead of a splendid “yum” or a “yeah” or a choir to fill in that hole…
you are forced to either use the fnf vocals or the windups.
Yeah… vocals it is, and this is more annoying than anything.
Like really? You couldn’t have anyone else will in that hole?
Why not the first effect? It would’ve been way more versatile that way, whatever…
How about the animations, are those any good?
Well they are pretty snappy and quick all things considered, I get that it’s a fast tempo but that doesn’t mean every beat needs to look like they are seizure, now does it?
Some of the vocalists are animated in this springy way as well…
Besides that, the other animations are just fine.
Onto the character design!
For the most part, I adore it.
They have nothing to do with sonic and instead more-so try to put on a look of well…
a Sega genesis.
The only things that will make you think of sonic are the first voice, I’m not joking.
I don’t mind the genesis aesthetic though, if anything it fits excellently with how the mod sounds in general.
Now let’s talk about how mixing this feels like and like… seriously…
It’s like playing russian roulette with tanks, alright?
You don’t know what you’re doing, and you just almost try to minimize the chaos as much as possible, desperately might I add…
Pretty much every melody is an essential.
If you didn’t already know… an essential in incredibox is simply a sound that completely changes how the lineup sounds when you out them up or down.
This also goes for the vocalists.
Note: essentials aren’t always really good, they could just be solid, but still completely change how the mix sounds.
As a result of this as well as the random pause at the second loop… you almost have to restrict yourself from using too many melodies.
Put up more than three and you’re bound to have a bad time.
This goes for voices as well, pretty much the only voice that can combine with other voices is the fifth one.
Even then… it’s tricky, the scream in the fifth voice almost completely ruins the sound, anyway.
All in all, mixing with this mod is difficult, to put it simply…
My advice is to keep your cool, be patient, and don’t be afraid to use multiple different windups to try switching it up.
Just don’t have two windups up at the same time, because well…
That’s just wasting your precious space, you have seven shirtless males to work with, and only seven.
So you better be wise with who goes up and who doesn’t, alright?
All in all this is a pretty easy 6.5/10 mod.
It sounds good, but it has multiple baby problems that when combined turn into something far worse than it actually should be.
The animations are sloppy. and so are the sounds, the character designs are nothing short of hit-or-miss…
and mixing with it just makes me feel stressed out.
but all things considered…
it’s nowhere near bad.

Play the mod yourself at:

Check out the creator of the mod at:


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