EX2104 Dive 01 North Bermuda Tritop Jul 03 2021 Bottom Okeanos Explorer ROV Dive

Описание к видео EX2104 Dive 01 North Bermuda Tritop Jul 03 2021 Bottom Okeanos Explorer ROV Dive

New expedition at last! You'll notice that the video is now in 1080p and I've decided to post the dives as a single video instead of breaking them up into hour long segments. Unfortunately, there are short freezes all throughout the video, which I'm convinced are a problem with the feed. I'm switching over to a new capture setup and captured this dive on 2 different computers at 2 different locations and the short freezes occur exactly at the same places on both captures. Hopefully, they will get this fixed. I think the video is still quite watchable. Anyway, welcome back and enjoy the new dive!

The first dive of the 2021 North Atlantic Stepping Stones: New England and Corner Rise Seamounts takes place on a seamount that is part of neither the New England nor the Corner Rise seamount chains. After heading south to avoid bad weather, the expedition team conducted mapping operations overnight outside of the Bermude Exclusive Economic Zone and discovered where it was thought there were two peaks, there were actually three!

This dive takes us to the shallowest of the three peaks to explore along a steep wall leading up to a ridge. The dive will start at a depth of approximately 2,590 meters (8,500 feet).


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