TUTORIAL Octahedron Fractal of Layered Cuboctahedron Frames (Zen Magnets)

Описание к видео TUTORIAL Octahedron Fractal of Layered Cuboctahedron Frames (Zen Magnets)

In this video the construction of an Octahedron Fractal of Layered Cuboctahedron Frames is shown using 12967 Zen Magnets. The largest cuboctahedron used has edge length 16. Below the magnet count is given for various levels of the shape with N being the edge length of the largest cuboctahedron used.

N #Magnets
2 13
4 187
8 1711
16 12967
32 89335

For a layered cuboctahedron frame with edge length N the number of magnets needed is given by 12(N-1)^2+1.


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