Mummified Vampire Bat DIY - Halloween prop! Mundane to Macabre Monday

Описание к видео Mummified Vampire Bat DIY - Halloween prop! Mundane to Macabre Monday

Welcome to the first Mundane to Macabre Monday episode of the season! In this dark DIY project, I transform a cute bat skeleton prop from At Home Stores into a mummified Vampire bat taxidermy gaff suitable to use as a spooky Halloween decoration.. or as an addition to any oddity collection or curiosity cabinet. Either way, spooky DIY is the name of the game today!

Things in this episode:

Gothic Life book- Get your copy of the Gothic Life book here:

He Who Gaffs Last episode can be seen here:    • Gothic Homemaking Episode 8- He Who G...  

How to Make an Old Treasure Map episode can be seen here:
   • How to Make An Old Treasure Map - Got...  

All of the music in this episode is by Aurelio Voltaire. Check out his Halloween Hits on Spotify!

Please add a song or two to your Halloween playlist!!!!!

Aurelio Voltaire is presently on his Halloween Forever Tour! You can see if he's playing near you here:

Help get Orville a face lift! Or, just help Voltaire keep making these videos by joining him on Patreon!
  / aureliovoltaire  

Aurelio Voltaire on Instagram:   / aureliovoltaire  
Aurelio Voltaire on Facebook:   / thelairofvoltaire  
Aurelio Voltaire on Tiktok:

Official Website:

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