Iron Maiden Dave Murray Tone Tutorial (Part One)

Описание к видео Iron Maiden Dave Murray Tone Tutorial (Part One)


I will be explaining how to get his tone

Since 2010 Dave's tech, Colin, has explained a lot about his tone. However, I have had this tone since 2010 and it was all figured out by ear. When I first watched the new videos, made by Colin, I was astonished to realize that my effects were pretty damn close to what Dave had. I even knew he had 6 patches by figuring out the patterns. When I looked at the pedalboard from the TC electronic youtube channel I felt fairly happy haha. Maybe one day I will be Dave's tech too!

I have been a bit out of date since 2010 with Iron Maiden so I actually don't know much about univibes and tube screamers and the new effects he has been using. Apparently he uses univibe in almost every solo. But this video is more of a before 2009 thing :P


My intro to Age of Innocence was a bit sloppy. Sorry about that.


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