Jean Hefner is the Executive Director of Wilkes Literacy

Описание к видео Jean Hefner is the Executive Director of Wilkes Literacy

The Wilkes Literacy programs provide invaluable support to those seeking to better their lives through various literacy programs. The positive effects ripple through families and our community, from boosting job prospects to inspiring future generations.

Here are a few of the positive impacts:

Greater Employability: Students gain skills needed to get a job or pursue promotions they previously thought were out of reach. This improved financial security benefits the whole family.

Boosted Confidence: Literacy builds confidence not only in academic settings but also in everyday life. Wilkes Literacy reports that many students feel more empowered to engage in their communities and advocate for themselves.

Generational Change: When parents improve their literacy skills, it inspires their children. These children are more likely to excel academically and understand the value of education, creating a ripple effect that changes lives for generations to come.


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