Prize Distribution Ceremony in Aiwan - i - Karkunan - i - Tehreek - i - Pakistan Lahore

Описание к видео Prize Distribution Ceremony in Aiwan - i - Karkunan - i - Tehreek - i - Pakistan Lahore

Idara Nazaria-i-Pakistan is a national, independent, non-parochial academic institution for projecting the Ideology of Pakistan as enunciated by our Founding Fathers, Allama Muhammad Iqbal and Quaid-i-Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah. It was established in 1992 by Punjab’s then Chief Minister Ghulam Haider Wyne along with other veterans of Pakistan Movement. It is being run successfully under the Chairmanship of former chief jusice & Caretaker Chief Minister of Punjab Earlier, under the dynamic leadership of late. Mr. Majid Nizami, who was also a veteran of Pakistan Movement and a renowned journalist, the Trust endeavoured to achieve the objectives, as outlined in its Act. It is a fully autonomous institution, administered by a Board of Governors, with a Vice-Chairman and a Secretary. It also has a General Council. All these bodies hold periodical meetings after every six months.


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