Colorado Backroads: Old Railroad Trestles Along Corona (Rollins) Pass, Colorado. August 2022.

Описание к видео Colorado Backroads: Old Railroad Trestles Along Corona (Rollins) Pass, Colorado. August 2022.

We've been on the east side of Rollins Pass (aka Moffat Road), now it's time to look at the west side. Historically the west side of Moffat Road is called Corona Pass. Corona Pass retains many structures from the railroad era before the Moffat Tunnel made it much easier to transport goods to and from Denver.

We visit the Devil's Slide Trestles as well as the Loop Trestle over Rife Sight Notch. These structures are well over a century old and have been abandoned. Always treat these pieces of Colorado history as if this might collapse any day.

In order to show an historical perspective of how the modern day appearance compares to the heyday of railroad travel over Corona Pass some pictures from the era are used in this video. Information on the provenance of these pictures is as follows:

Riflesight Notch 1903.png:
Original Source: The World's Work v11. By Walter Hines Page, Arthur Wilson Page
License: Public Domain

p15339coll22_3473.jpg, The Continental summit, Denver, Northwestern & Pacific Ry., the Moffat Road:
Source: Denver Public Library Special Collections, MCC-1617.
Original Source: McClure, Louis Charles
License: Non-commercial use

p15339coll22_4968.jpg, Corona, Colorado, hotel
Source: Denver Public Library Special Collections, X-7385.
Original Source: not specified
License: Non-commercial use


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