Devastated by the results of my Off-grid Roofing Project

Описание к видео Devastated by the results of my Off-grid Roofing Project

To say that my adventure with roofing my 16x40 cabin didnt go quite as planned was an understatement...

So many of you consistently ask if I know of any properties in the region I live! Now I can direct you to a source for checking out real estate that may fit your own journey to off grid independence.
Here is the direct link to search for properties! Remember! mention this channel and get $100.00 off your
closing costs if you choose to purchase property Phone number for local realtor
Ron Price 602-478-1065

For those who asked I create an amazon wish list here it is:
Some folks choose paypal for support. [email protected]

For those who want to contact me:
[email protected]


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