INTP memes I saved on my phone to enjoy year 2021 | Part 15

Описание к видео INTP memes I saved on my phone to enjoy year 2021 | Part 15

“How would an INTP describe himself?”

Now, as I understand it, asking someone to explain him- or herself is quite a different sort of request.

Too frequently, I “dig myself into a hole” lot of trouble [pardon the pun] when I get into the rhythm of expressing myself freely—as an INTP’s exposed mind can come off as offensively callous to feelers and offensively frivolous to judgers. And thus I often find myself in the position of having to explain [not describe!] myself—and not out of prideful defensiveness, mind you, but out of the sincerest desire not to be misunderstood.

It’s not easy, I’ll admit, but it is possible for an INTP to successfully explain him- or herself in such a situation. Below are three pieces of advice for other INTPs who habitually find themselves ruffling far more feathers than intended:

DO NOT show any kind of irritation or impatience at the mere need to explain yourself; don’t forget that you have a rather uncommon way of thinking and speaking; plus it’s unwise to add insult to injury right before you request the benefit of someone’s doubt. [I have an annoying verbal tic that causes me to take a condescending tone with someone while I’m actually suppressing the urge to cry crocodile-fucking tears of frustration about how no one ever understands me…hasn’t tended to open many doors of understanding, you can imagine...]
DO NOT accidentally mirror their emotions as you empathetically scan for clues as to the nature of their offense, as doing so will only add fuel to the fire, heightening emotions and nudging the discussion ever nearer to distasteful conflict; instead, show a bit of sympathy and concern for them—as it was after all your choice of words (poor or not) that has upset them—and then backtrack, both cognitively and verbally. [Most often, in my experience, the source of the miscommunication turns out to have been an unannounced perspective-shift of some kind—a problem easily remedied by a kind of POV disclaimer; Afterward, I make a mental note to provide the proper context and transition words next time, as a preface or signal that I’m shifting metaphorical gears… yes, I know, that kind of self-regulatory metacognition can be an annoying obstacle to the sacred INTP flow-state—well, deal with it! That is, if we want to continue having people to bounce our precious ideas off of.]

DO NOT expect them to ever really understand—not because you’re just so much more intelligent or intellectual than they are (get over yourself, smartypants!), but because you—the default expert—can barely understand your damn self! So why the hell should anyone else be expected to? The goal of explaining yourself is therefore not to be understood (fully or otherwise), but rather to avoid being grossly misunderstood; in other words, prepare to sacrifice your typical rigor and thoroughness for simple, clear, and relatable; in other-other words, get to the fucking point! [Easier said than done, I know; I really know…INTP thoughts have so many swirling, blurring, interlocking layers…but perhaps we could try just, I don’t know, picking a layer and sticking with it long enough for our hapless interlocutors to follow one of our labyrinthine thoughts to its logical conclusion for fucking once? Hmm?

-- Quora



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