Business Insights For Creative Firms w/ David C. Baker Livestream

Описание к видео Business Insights For Creative Firms w/ David C. Baker Livestream

David Baker charges $18k a day to advise firms. He's helped over 900 firms. The Leading Authority on Positioning, Reinventing, and Selling Firms in the Creative and Digital Space—David C. Baker has been called the expert's expert by the NY times. He's here to help you become an expert.

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David C Baker
@DavidCBaker (social)

The Business of Expertise:

3:30 - Story time of how Chris found about David baker
5:50 - How David helped Fabian fix his situation
08:00 - How to help someone to stop seeing the negative in their situation
10:00 - Why did David write “The Business of Expertise”
11:00 - Learning comes from articulation
14:00 - The perfect size for a team (Always smaller than your opportunity)*
19:00 - Tips on how you can become specialized?
21:00 - How do you know if your niched down enough**
24:00 - Strategy and Execution
29:00 - sell strategy (the thinking) before the execution (the making)
35:30 - How David got introduced to Blaire Enns
37:00 - How they got started on the 2 bobs podcast
44:00 - always test
46:30 - the best time to set your price***
51:00 - Drop and give me 20 (do you know something I don’t know)***
53:00 - The real thing that sets someone apart and getting things done
57:45 - Conflict of interest
59:00 - Accessibility/Influence/Expertise
1:02:00 - Speaking fee and his requirements to speak
1:07:00 - How David became a consultant for creatives
1:12:00 - Thoughts on working for free in the beginning
1:14:00 - What would be your take at this point of uncertainty around the world if you are trying to sell creative related services. Any particular strategy?
1:18:00 - Other than niching, what is the most common advice you give to creative micro studios (under 5 employees)
1:19:00 - how do you organize your focuses, you have many interests. Please go back to the hoarding concept.

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Host– Chris Do
Cinematography– Ricky Lucas, Jona Garcia
Live Editor– Jona Garcia
Editor– Ricky Lucas, Jona Garcia, Stewart Schuster, Mark Contreras,
Social Team: Elle Money, Alex Burlui
Futur Theme Music – Adam Sanborne
Typefaces: Futura, DIN, Helvetica Now, Calibre, Knockout, Champion Gothic
Futur theme song— Adam Sanborne


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