Word Advanced Find Feature

Описание к видео Word Advanced Find Feature

Learn how to utilize the Word Advanced Find Feature. The Find feature within Word is more than just searching for words. The Advanced Find feature allows you to do so much more! It is a useful tool when you are proofing styles, fonts, formatting, and more. It can also be useful when trying to resolve header and footer issues.

Did you know you can search for styles, endnote markers, word forms, section characters, section breaks and paragraph markers, just to name a few?

Don't know how a word is spelled? You can use wildcards or the Sounds Like option.

Don't know why you footer's numbering stopped on page 3? Search for section breaks to see if there's one you missed.

Want to make sure you removed all the red typing? Search for the font color.

In this video you will learn about the many search options available within the Word Advanced Find Feature:
- Reading Highlight – Show “finds” highlighted in yellow or clear yellow highlighting
- Search – Set the direction of your search
- Up
- Down
- All
- Match Case – Match the case as typed
- Find whole words only – Find the whole word only
- Use wildcards – Use various wildcards in search
- Sounds like – Search for homonyms
- Find all word forms – Find all variations of the word
- Match prefix – Find words sharing the same beginning
- Match suffix – Find words sharing the same ending
- Ignore punctuation characters – Ignore punctuation characters in the text
- Ignore white space characters – Ignore white space when searching
- Format Button – Choose the formatting to find
- Special Button – Special character options to find

NOTE: These features can be use in conjunction with replace to efficiently and consistently clean up your document.



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