DCS SITREP #41: Set the Controls for the Heart of Realism - DCS Iraq

Описание к видео DCS SITREP #41: Set the Controls for the Heart of Realism - DCS Iraq

This map blows me away, and is well worth the purchase, bearing in mind the F-5E featured heavily in today's SITREP is also on sale right now too!

See the changelog here: https://www.digitalcombatsimulator.co...

All images filmed in game, cockpit images filmed using the ‪@PimaxVR‬ Crystal Light: https://pimax.com/?ref=ah475zod

00:00 - 01:24 - Intro
01:24 - 05:45 - Iraq Map
05:45 - 09:07 - Other Development
09:07 - 16:45 - Big Afghanistan Announcement
16:45 - 17:55 - Massive Winter Sale
17:55 - 23:13 - Thoughts on RAZBAM & Microprose?
23:13 - 23:33 - End Thoughts
23:33 - 25:39 - Music Outro


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