IKEA Finds for KIDS - Picks for Montessori Activities at Home

Описание к видео IKEA Finds for KIDS - Picks for Montessori Activities at Home

Wow, wow - WOW! Just loving the finds for kids at IKEA! If you are doing activities at home, homeschool at home or Montessori at home, then you need to check out these fab things I've found at Ikea. There are so many BEAUTIFUL materials to explore. I just adore it all. I'd love to know what things you've found at Ikea for kids and your activities at home too!!

Please know that I focus on Montessori inspired activities and I’m not a purist. I believe there can be adaptations to fit your situation.

Ikea Toy Finds for Kids Video:    • TOP IKEA Finds for KIDS  


For media inquires or if you would like me to review your product/service email: thepurplealphabet at gmail dot com

Send me a note!
Christina @ The Purple Alphabet
PO BOX 2846
San Marcos, CA 92069

Disclaimer: The products featured in this video were purchased by myself or sent to me for review for free. Some videos may be sponsored by brands that I enjoy.

Make sure to * ALWAYS* use discretion when deciding age appropriate activities and supervise your children.

MUSIC: courtesy of Soundstripe. Get your YouTube Music here: (affiliate) https://soundstripe.com?fpr=christina81


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