Different Style Stacking

Описание к видео Different Style Stacking

Yeah, I did this last weekend, edited it by Monday, but didn't upload it until now. I'm lazy like that.

This is another video I've wanted to do for a while. There are so many styles that I love doing, but I couldn't fit all of them. It's almost 4 minutes as is. o_O

For those who don't know, the styles I did were (mostly) the choices of people who were watching my stream last weekend. There were some that I chose to do myself, though.

And I know there are some styles that are other people also have (personwhostacks, mcdomino24, etc). I didn't want to think of every possible name.

This took 4 hours to tape... ._. Oh, and I used different sets cuz I can.

Song: Heartfelt Fancy Trance.edt
Artist: Kanpyo's MIDI

Yeah yeah yeah, I said I wouldn't use a Touhou song, blah blah. It's hard to find a good song now, especially one that's 4 minutes long. And besides, other than the annoying voice thing at the beginning and in the middle, this is a pretty good song. So meh. I'll try again in the next vid if it's shorter.


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