Age Of Accountability | Original Sin | General Revelation

Описание к видео Age Of Accountability | Original Sin | General Revelation

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Today's episode is a quick overview of these three highly debated biblical concepts that all deal with the justice of divine punishment and reward. Are they biblical? Are they moral? How do they work? Where in scripture do we see them? What are my issues with them? I try to answer all these questions and more in today's episode.

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A sincere thank you to this video's supporters:
Iconoclast Tier
-Jason Rollins
-Shawn Skaggs
Atheist Advocate Tier
-Jarrod Nichols
Secular Scholar Tier
-Anne Stephens
-Christopher J Knight
-Kristi Goff
-Ray Calabro
-Todd Hill
Freethinker Tier
-Ashley Shivers
-Dana Kendall
-Debbie Andrews
-Fredrik Sanfridsson
-Jonathan Sebastian
-Kami Ross
-Michael Beverly
-Roland Watts
-The Merlin
Skeptic Tier
-Andy Wilce
-Brandon Michaels
-Composer Everett
-Donald Shellman-Kuhns
-Jed Wentz
-Jeremy Shepherd
-Lori Wieser
-Mark Rothenbuhler
-Matthew Baird
-T Rose
-Tony Maitland
Rationalist Tier

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-The Humanist Society -

0:00 Intro
1:58 Original Sin
4:01 General Revelation
10:40 The Age Of Accountability
15:21 Tying It All Together
20:08 Why Do I Care
22:36 Final Thoughts
23:40 Patron Thank You

#ageofaccountability #originalsin #generalrevelation #mindshift #atheism #atheist #exchristian #christianity #christianityisconfusing


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