Let’s talk about labour, leakages and lives lost. | Dr Devorah Heymann | TEDxMaldon

Описание к видео Let’s talk about labour, leakages and lives lost. | Dr Devorah Heymann | TEDxMaldon

In the quiet corners of Uganda, over 100,000 women endure the silent agony of obstetric fistula— a preventable childbirth injury that leaves them incontinent and ostracized. Despite global efforts, foreign aid often falls short, relying on temporary surgical camps rather than sustainable local solutions. Why does this persist? Together, let's advocate for sustainable healthcare solutions, envisioning a future where every woman has access to quality obstetric care and those suffering from obstetric fistula can rebuild their lives with dignity and reclaim their voice in society. Let's pave the way towards a future where no woman is left behind in silence or suffering. Dr Devorah Heymann is a Urogynaecology Fellow in Melbourne and the Founder/CEO of The Alon Project, a non for profit dedicated to supporting rural Ugandan women suffering from traumatic birth injuries, particularly obstetric fistula. She leads surgical missions aimed at treating these resilient women and facilitating their reintegration into society, alongside training local doctors and nurses. The Alon Project’s upcoming mission in November includes a neonatal CPR course to reduce preventable newborn deaths. Beyond her humanitarian efforts, Dr Heymann actively contributes to education, research, and the advancement of Obstetrics and Gynaecology. She is a passionate advocate for every woman's right to a safe birth and dignified life, striving to empower women in need and develop sustainable solutions to global challenges. This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at https://www.ted.com/tedx


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