Conscious Travel: The way we travel can save this planet | Devangana Lashkary | TEDxPICT

Описание к видео Conscious Travel: The way we travel can save this planet | Devangana Lashkary | TEDxPICT

Travelling has become a way to disconnect from our daily routine, with social media promoting travel as a style of living, and with our desire for new experiences and cultural immersion increasing, we have been travelling not only locally but also globally. Our way of travelling, however, shouldn’t be responsible for the destruction of the places we love visiting. The way we think about travel has to change. At TEDxPICT, Devangana Lashkary, a traveller at heart elaborates on how just being mindful of the impact that our travels have on the environment, local communities and culture can create a positive impact on the places we visit. She shares the way to travel to our heart’s content without damaging our environment: travel consciously.
Devangana Lashkary is an environment researcher. She started working with her State's Forest Department after her post-graduation and currently advises them on varied environmental projects. She also works as an Environmental Researcher in Mumbai and as a Corporate Social
Responsibility Consultant where she helps companies and organisations to reduce their
carbon footprint and invest in environmental 6y sustainability projects.
While in school she used to volunteer at animal health shelters and zoos. This helped develop her interest in Ethology (the study of animal behaviour) and Zoology. This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at


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