
Описание к видео 不含褪黑激素的天然助眠成分,自然療法的營養素選擇


VITALITY 兒童鎂洋甘菊粉 https://lifepluscanada.com/s/kuid
Natural Factors 藏紅花膠囊 https://lifepluscanada.com/s/43K5
Natural Factors L-茶氨酸安神膠囊 https://lifepluscanada.com/s/yDXf
Sloth MD 西番蓮膠囊 https://lifepluscanada.com/s/0FPH
Now Foods 缬草根膠囊 https://lifepluscanada.com/s/qu9b

01:16 褪黑素可以長期服用嗎
02:04 不含褪黑素的天然助眠成分


Disclaimer: The content provided in this video is for informational purposes only and does not constitute medical advice. It is not intended to replace professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. All viewers are advised to consult with their doctors or qualified health professionals regarding any specific health concerns. Neither the creators nor the publishers of this content are responsible for any health consequences that may arise from individuals following the information presented. Viewers, especially those taking prescription or over-the-counter medications, should consult their physicians before starting any new nutrition, supplement, or lifestyle program.


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