Can You Beat CALLISTO PROTOCOL With Only the G.R.P.?

Описание к видео Can You Beat CALLISTO PROTOCOL With Only the G.R.P.?

No, we don't need to buy Deadspace. We have Deadspace at home.
Deadspace at home :

|| MUSIC ||
Resurrections - Celeste
Divide - Hotline Miami 2
The Rain Formerly Known As Purple - Risk of Rain 2
A Picture in Motion - Furi
Start a Cult - Cult of the Lamb
Dust (Carpenter Brut Remix) - Hotline Miami 2
I Got Stung! - Animal Crossing
Rainy Day - Animal Crossing
Sewer Surfin' - TMNT 4
Anchordeep - Cult of the Lamb
Darkwood - Cult of the Lamb
Shamburger - Age of Empires 2
Torvus Bog Subterranean Theme - Metroid Prime 2
Pale Watchers - Bastion
Pond - Bugdom
Breathe - Madworld
Sozo - Cult of the Lamb
Title Theme - Animal Crossing

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