McCormick Knotter Features Competitive Comparisons IH 37 47 57 Balers

Описание к видео McCormick Knotter Features Competitive Comparisons IH 37 47 57 Balers

This video is short, but may be handy to some that would like to know more about their McCormick baler knotter & how it compares to the competition. This also has to be about the cleanest record & filmstrip I've copied yet. The record plays excellent on side A & just needed a light dusting before use. The film for this has just begun to decay after losing it's color. A lot of the whites are still white & the distortion is minimal. The lint in some of these images is pretty darned crisp!! :vD The record wasn't completely flawless. There's just enough of a scratch to cause the last 8 seconds to skip, so there was some time spent editing that so it sounds like something. Not sure if all the notes are in the outtro music, but it is what it is.

I don't know if anyone can see it, but there is some ghosting in the images. Not sure if that is in the image on the film or if it is a result of my method of copying. I have confirmed it's not the camera or lens. The lens (Zeiss Ultron 1.8/50) is chosen for it's anti glare & flare resistant properties, as well as clarity & "Lens Pop!". The camera (Kodak S-1) isn't new or top of the line by any means & still puts out a great image.



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