Street Fighter X Tekken - Cross Art Combo Video (10th Anniversary Tribute)

Описание к видео Street Fighter X Tekken - Cross Art Combo Video (10th Anniversary Tribute)

March 6th/8th/9th 2012
10 years (and one month) ago Street Fighter X Tekken came out, a fighting game that made a lot of talk about itself, in a negative sense, due to wrong policies used by Capcom, such as the "DLC already in the disc" case or the Gems system.
Regardless... I loved it. And I still love it.
Sure, I was angry about those problems (like everyone else obv) but, ehi, it was enough to remove the gems from the characters to not use them and, well, I paid a ridicolous amount for the DLC, so PERSONALLY, it didn't bother me that much.
That's the most important thing: SFxTK itself was a really great game with fantastic presentation, varied roster, fun mechanics, spectacular combos and a hilarious co-op for 2v2 matches that I really enjoyed with my friends!
So... I'm here with a Cross Art combo exhibition because I wanted to share some love for this (rightfully) unfortunate game!

(Capcom pls remaster this game with a full package, a new patch and a better rollback netcode)

#StreetFighterXTekken #SFxTK


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