iZme (U Kitazawa) - Latte float【KAWAII POP MUSIC】

Описание к видео iZme (U Kitazawa) - Latte float【KAWAII POP MUSIC】

Download https://ukitazawa.bandcamp.com/album/...

hi guys!
my new project name has been decided.
it's "Summer Soda Pop".
i hope u feel exhilarating with my album like soda pop, in this summer.
new release information will be notified on my twitter.
  / ukitazaworks  
thank you for listening my music!*
U Kitazawa

Art by ちょん*(@xx_Chon_xx)
○Twitter   / xx_chon_xx  
○pixiv https://www.pixiv.net/member.php?id=1...
★Illustration page★

▼support U Kitazawa▼

◇Bandcamp https://ukitazawa.bandcamp.com
◇Twitter   / ukitazaworks  
◇YouTube    / @izme6090  
◇SoundCloud   / ukitazaworks  



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