Joe Strummer defending Topper

Описание к видео Joe Strummer defending Topper

The Clash front man Joe Strummer leaping to the defence of Toper Headon when the latter was allegedly suffering heroin withdrawal on tour. A journalist asks about Topper throwing up and typical of Joe this causes him to unleash on the hapless journalist.

I have pinned a pretty bold claim from Rogue Trader, claiming Joe was a fraud and the band was manufactured. Personally I can't subscribe to that view, as it is just a little too 'out there' for me. But that's just my own opinion and I'd love to hear what others think.
Keep i respectful though folks.

This is a re-post with higher volume and captions of a clip uploaded by Jukka Jalava. I do not own the clip, but I claim fair use for educational and historic purposes.


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