Rosh Chodesh Kislev Song - (English)

Описание к видео Rosh Chodesh Kislev Song - (English)

Tzivos Hashem Presents Rosh Chodesh Kislev Song – 40 Years!

Lyrics: Rabbi Shlomo Sternberg
Vocalist: Eli Marcus
Musical Arrangements: Moishy Goldstein |
Footage of the Rebbe: Jewish Educational Media |

==== Lyrics ====
At the highlight of that Tishrei,
Chassidim were on fire,
Their eyes set on the Rebbe,
the unthinkable transpired.

Their hearts were filled with fears,
Their Tehillim soaked in tears,
Yet the Rebbe had insisted, "It's here that I will stay,
With dancing and your Simcha, a Nes is on its way!"

Laws of nature fall aside,
The Rebbe's will does override,
The miracle is clear for everyone to see.

The long awaited came about,
No longer room for fear or doubt,
The Rebbe walked out from 770.

Their joy knew no bounds, they danced with all their might,
Hakofos had resumed, and lasted through the night.
Devoted they stood in total unity,
The Rebbe is Gezunt and with us he will be!

His glory was displayed more than ever shown,
His leadership expands more than ever known,
Our love and our bond, strengthened so much more,
The Rebbe is Gezunt and stronger than before!

Very soon the day will come and as awaited,
The ultimate reunion will be celebrated,
The door will open wide, the Rebbe we will see
Walking out from 770.

From far and wide we'll all unite and come to greet him,
Faithful soldiers in the front, we'll stand right near him,
The promise is fulfilled in its entirety
As we march to Geula from 770.

Our joy will know no bounds, we'll dance with all our might,
Farbrengens will resume and last right through the night.
Devoted we will stand in total unity,
The Rebbe is Gezunt and together we will be!

His greatness and his strength will be more than ever shown,
Sichos and Maamorim will be more than ever known,
His goal will be reached in its entirety,
The Rebbe is Gezunt and forever he will be!


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