Learning Animation - Week 3

Описание к видео Learning Animation - Week 3

More animation exercises!
I haven't been very productive this week so there is not much :,)

I struggled much more than I thought I would with wave motion, but I think I understand it better now
Also trying to draw a cat walking despite never having drawn animals was truly something TT

The run cycle animation was referenced from Tatsuyuki Tanaka, insanely good animator

I appreciate criticism, constructive or not :)))
Thank you for watching!

Music credits: "No.18 Osanpobiyori" by Hoshino Music Plaza (hoshinoongakuhiroba)
   • 【フリーBGM】[No.18 おさんぽびより]【かわいい•爽やか•ポップ•...  

Videos I referenced for some of the animation exercises:
Kuzillon - "How to animate HAIR & FUR in wind!"
   • How to animate HAIR & FUR in wind!  

TheFlyingPanda - "Animating the Wave Principle"
   • Animating the Wave Principle  


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