Carried In His Arms / Joyce Meyers Devotional

Описание к видео Carried In His Arms / Joyce Meyers Devotional

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"Carried In His Arms"

Are you facing something that is overwhelming? In this quick devotional is for you!

"I will say of the Lord, He is my refuge, and my fortress, my God; on Him, I lean, and rely, and in Him I (confidently) trust." - psalm 9:12

Good morning everyone! Happy Tuesday,

Today's quick devotional reading is From Joyce Meyers book, "The Power of Being Thankful."

Isn't this the verse powerful? It's something that we could write down on a Post-it note and place in our car, our pocket, our purse, or may be next to the mirror even in the bathroom to encourage us to trust and believe and know we are in good care...

The Lord is for us, not against us. And when we place our trust in him and overwhelming sense of peace can come over us because that is the Holy Spirit confirming that God is there with us.

No matter the circumstances that you're facing today, no matter the hardships that come your way. God has an answer, and he will carry you through.

I'm gonna share a quick testimony today about something I went through a few years back, and how the Lord with my provider and had a good plan yet for me!

And He does for you, too!

Can you do me a favor? Write this first down today. And placed it somewhere where you can read it to yourself for the next five days. See you at the good Lord does for you and your heart and with your peace with Him too.

If you have been encouraged or blessed by the word of the day, and God's promises for you today, please hit that like, subscribe, and share button. Together we are getting Gods Beautiful word out there.

Sarah with Mornings of Momma Apple 🍎


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