What are microorganisms? Bacteria, Viruses and Fungi

Описание к видео What are microorganisms? Bacteria, Viruses and Fungi

Educational video for children to learn what microorganisms are and what types of microorganisms there are. Microorganisms can be unicellular or multicellular, depending on their number of cells. In this video, children will find out when they were discovered, how we can observe them and the three categories in which we divide them: bacteria, viruses and fungi. Bacteria are prokaryotic cells and have no nucleus. Some are useful for making food and other are harmful, the treatment for these ones is antibiotics. Viruses are not living beings, they are much smaller and some of them cause diseases like flu or chickenpox. Vaccination is important to prevent diseases caused by viruses. Some fungi are microorganisms bigger than bacteria or viruses, they can be found in the air, in plants or in the water. Microorganisms can be everywhere, to avoid diseases it is very important to have good personal hygiene habits.

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