Laney TI Boost pedal review - Sabbath tone... can it do it?

Описание к видео Laney TI Boost pedal review - Sabbath tone... can it do it?

The Laney TI Boost pedal was designed by Tony Iommi and Laney to give him his old 70s sound back and provide even more than he had going with his old Rangemaster. This pedal seems to be a Rangemaster at heart, but with an added volume and gain boost, high and low frequencies as well as a 3 position band mid switch for the treble booster. I thoroughly enjoyed this pedal and it’s cool to see an artist endorsed pedal that has no compromises, just great tone, design, quality parts, great packaging and a reasonable price. The guys at Laney / Black Country Customs did a great job.

In this video I go through Sabbath tones only but it can easily do more classic rock or subtle mid boosting where required. Will it replace my BSM custom treble booster? Who knows? But the TI Boost does a whole lot more and could be a great tool for other applications.

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