3 fingers to do thrilling "ii-V-I" improvisation

Описание к видео 3 fingers to do thrilling "ii-V-I" improvisation

We'll use only 3 fingers to do thrilling blues & jazz improvisation over the standard ii-V-I chord progression. We'll start out simple - then we'll gradually add more and more stuff - finally we'll add the pinkie to the party ;)

With the 3 finger motor system we take advantage of the physiology of the hand so that we can play really fast, firm and steady. Furthermore we have a simple and safe home base that we can always visit whenever needed. When knowing the 3 finger motor system it’s also quite straightforward to add the 4th and 5th finger. The 3 finger motor system has so many applications when improvising Jazz - I'll gather all my lessons about the system in this playlist:    • The 3 Finger Motor System  

Other references:
Lesson about blending major and minor blues:    • Blending the MAJOR & MINOR Blues Scale  
Lesson about adding the 4th and 5th finger:    • Learn Awesome Blues Tricks  

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Many warm regards from Oliver Prehn
University Master degree in Music & Multimedia

00:00 Intro
02:14 C blues
03:50 Cmaj7 chord
06:20 G7 chord
09:13 the Pinkie joins the Party
13:00 Dmi7 chord
15:24 Go Simple
16:37 Outro


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