Reed Martin - Redwing - 2003

Описание к видео Reed Martin - Redwing - 2003

"I have something really neat to share with my banjo friends and the clawhammer world in general. Reed is one of the worlds greatest clawhammer players, and there is just way too little footage of him playing. These were recorded in his living room when he wasn't playing that much, believe it or not. He's using his old Vega #9 with the resonator before I gave him the Vega Deluxe I made for him a few years later. I used to work near him and would often go for a visit, and we would talk about banjos and just about everything else under the sun and became very close. I took my home movie camera along a few times and Reed filmed almost two hours of many of his tunes during two visits, initially for Russ to use to learn to play clawhammer. Russ and I will share this clip of Redwing for those who miss his playing or have never seen him play." - Glenn Carson

This is a very special project I've been my main focus for the past few weeks and it's finally time to share a small piece of it with you guys. We hope you enjoy this look at a true master in action.

All the best and keep rollin,

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