The Gayer-Anderson Cat - Episode 13 - Ancient Egyptian Object Stories

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Further reading
For PDFs of the Object Story bibliographies, go here:

📕 Ambers, Janet, Duncan Hook, Neal Spencer, Fleur Shearman, Susan La Niece, Rebecca Stacey, and Caroline Cartwright 2008. “A new look at an old cat: a technical investigation of the Gayer-Anderson cat.” The British Museum Technical Research Bulletin 2, 1-12.
📘 Forshaw, Roger 2019. Egypt of the Saite pharaohs: 664–525 BC. Manchester: Manchester University Press.
📕 Hill, Marsha and Deborah Schorsch (eds) 2007. Gifts for the gods: images from Egyptian temples. New York: The Metropolitan Museum of Art.
📘 Ikram, Salima (ed.) 2015. Divine creatures: animal mummies in ancient Egypt, revised ed. Cairo: The American University in Cairo Press.
📕 Jackson, Lesley 2018. Sekhmet & Bastet: the feline powers of Egypt. London: Avalonia.
📘 Malek, Jaromir 2006. The cat in ancient Egypt, Revised ed. London: British Museum Press.
📕 Malek, Jaromir 2001. “A lioness at peace: two aspects of the goddess Bastet.” Boletín de la Asociación Española de Egiptología 11, 141-148.
📘 Myśliwiec, Karol 2000. The twilight of ancient Egypt: first millennium BCE. Translated by David Lorton. Ithaca: Cornell University Press.
📕 Osborn, Dale J. and Jana Osbornová 1998. The mammals of ancient Egypt. The natural history of Egypt 4. Warminster: Aris & Phillips.
📘 Pubblico, Maria Diletta 2017. “The cult of Bastet during the first millennium BC: some bronzes from the Museum of Fine Arts in Budapest.” In Tomorad, Mladen and Joanna Popielska-Grzybowska (eds), Egypt 2015: perspectives of research: proceedings of the Seventh European Conference of Egyptologists, 2nd-7th June 2015, Zagreb, Croatia, 207-218. Oxford: Archaeopress.
📕 Scott, Nora E. 1958-1959. “The cat of Bastet.” The Metropolitan Museum of Art Bulletin (new series) 17 (1), 1-7.
📘 Spencer, Neal 2007-2008. “A new look at the Gayer-Anderson cat.” Ancient Egypt: the history, people and culture of the Nile valley 45 (8/3), 20-24.
📕 Spencer, Neal 2007. The Gayer-Anderson cat. British Museum objects in focus. London: British Museum Press.
📘 Wilkinson, Richard H. 2003. The complete gods and goddesses of ancient Egypt. London: Thames & Hudson.
📕 Zivie, Alain and Roger Lichtenberg 2003. “Les chats du Bubasteion de Saqqâra: état de la question et perspectives.” In Hawass, Zahi and Lyla Pinch Brock (eds), Egyptology at the dawn of the twenty-first century: proceedings of the Eighth International Congress of Egyptologists, Cairo, 2000 2, 605-611. Cairo: American University in Cairo Press.


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