How To Get Your Ex Back After Months or Years Apart

Описание к видео How To Get Your Ex Back After Months or Years Apart -- How To Get Your Ex Back After Months or Years Apart

Let's start by talking about one of the benefits you'll enjoy because of the months and years that have passed since your initial breakup.

Remember that the old saying, "time heals all wounds"? Well, that saying is indeed true, at least to a certain extent.

While time may not heal all of the negative memories and hostile feelings that your ex may still harbor -- especially if your relationship ended due to cheating, infidelity, or other major events that rock the core of your mutual trust -- it usually does a great job of helping your ex forget about the more negative aspects of the time you shared together.

What else is good about time apart? Well, one or both of you may have dated other people since the breakup, giving you time to reconsider and maybe even appreciate the relationship you had with your ex. You've also probably missed him or her... and, similarly, your ex has probably missed you (at least to some extent).

So, that's the good news. The bad news, unfortunately, is that time can also be your enemy... depending on how long it's been since the breakup, it's always possible that your ex has found someone new and simply isn't going to respond to your attempts to reconnect. So, while I definitely think there's often a very good chance at getting your ex back even if its been a year or longer since the breakup, you need to be prepared for the possibility that things simply won't ever work out, no matter how hard you try.

** Need some help with your situation? You can sign up for my 1-on-1 coaching service here: **

Re-Establishing Contact With Your Ex

Depending upon how you broke up, and who initiated the end of the relationship, re-establishing contact with your ex may be a bit challenging.

If it was you who got dumped, contacting your ex should actually be easier than if it were the other way around. Presumably, with many months having passed since the breakup, it's unlikely that your ex will question your motives. You should be able to make a friendly phone call to your ex without arousing any suspicion. If you're going to call or message your ex out of the blue, it's best to have a legitimate reason for the message (ie. ask a question, suggest a movie, etc) so they don't wonder why you're suddenly wanting to talk again.

How To Handle The In-Person "Date"

When you finally do arrive at the meeting with your ex, there's a few simple things that you should keep in mind...

Try not to become overly nervous. Be casual and try to act as calm and cool as possible. Try not to get emotional. You should have been apart long enough that this won't be an issue, but if you're prone to tears and emotional outbreaks, do your best to keep these in check while you're with your ex.

And Finally, Sex

The goal of in-person meeting(s) with your ex is twofold:
1) To get them to think about you again and to foster some nostalgia in the back of their mind; and
2) To set the stage for physical romance.

Ultimately, sex and physical contact is what differentiates friendship from a romantic relationship, so it's important that you move towards this eventual goal. It's tempting to just enjoy your time together and then allow yourself to fall into the 'friend zone', especially if your ex isn't looking to get back together with you (yet).

So, while you may not be able to bring your ex back to your house and into bed after just one meeting, that should still be your ultimate goal. Continue to ramp up your flirting, drop more innuendos, and reference past sexual encounters with your ex until he or she gets the message and accepts your advances.

And once you do finally win back your ex's heart, make sure you get things right this time... hopefully you'll never have to go through another breakup!

Unfortunately I've run out of time here for this video, but I know there are lots of "what if" questions that I may not have covered... if you're looking for a comprehensive guide to walk you through the process of winning back your ex and rebuilding a new life together, consider investing in my Ex Factor Guide program, which is a complete step-by-step system that leaves no stone unturned. You can grab a copy at my website, again the address is

Thanks very much for watching this video... hopefully you learned a few helpful things, and if so, please click the "like" button or subscribe to my YouTube channel for more videos.

Thanks again for watching, and best of luck!

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