35-Minute Power Nap for Increase Energy, Productivity & Memory

Описание к видео 35-Minute Power Nap for Increase Energy, Productivity & Memory

A 35 minute power nap can help improve energy, alertness, stamina, mood, productivity, memory and reduce stress.

How To Use It?

Find a dark comfortable place to rest your head and relax. If you aren't able to nap somewhere dark, try using an eye mask to help block out the light.

As you are trying to nap, it's always best to have your eyes closed.

When to Listen?

Don't listen to this power nap track too close to bedtime, because it might disrupt your sleep.

That said, my personal preference is to use headphones, as I find they help to block out external sound and make it easier to nap. The choice is yours.

Recommend Headphones For Sleep

Please watch: "35-Minute Power Nap for Increase Energy, Productivity & Memory."
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