Walkthrough: PoTD Solo F100 | 6.01 - Endwalker NEW UPDATED STRATEGY! | MCH PoV

Описание к видео Walkthrough: PoTD Solo F100 | 6.01 - Endwalker NEW UPDATED STRATEGY! | MCH PoV

Broadcasted live on Twitch -- Watch live at   / angelusdemonus  

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I stream on Twitch Tues/Thurs/Fri/Sun at 9PM ET - 2AM ET. Enjoy the VoD and if you wish to catch me live one time, check out my twitch link!



Due to the changes from Shadowbringers to Endwalker, this boss in particular has gotten harder based on a few reasons:

Lust does seemingly less damage then it did before
Adds seem to hit much harder than before

To accommodate, I recommend a 1 lust / 2 Resolution strategy for this boss, instead of the 1 lust / 1 Resolution. The former strategy which I personally have used for literally years since the beginning of PoTD is no longer "safe" and its very high risk. I did it a handful of times (on Reaper, Sage, and Red Mage) and it did not feel comfortable AT ALL. On this MCH run, I employed the adjusted strategy and it felt much more safer now.

Good luck out there, and hopefully this reaches everyone doing their attempts so it does not catch you by surprise!


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