Strategic Intelligence: A View from the National Intelligence Council (NIC)

Описание к видео Strategic Intelligence: A View from the National Intelligence Council (NIC)

Featuring Keynote Speaker:

Gregory F. Treverton
Chairman, National Intelligence Council

Moderated By:

Mr. Thomas M. Sanderson
Director and Senior Fellow, CSIS Transnational Threats Project

Gregory F. Treverton is chairman of the NIC, the director of national intelligence’s interagency arm for intelligence support to policy, both immediate support and more strategic analysis. He will describe the NIC and its connection to policy, focusing on the organization’s key challenge: how to balance the rush of immediate support to policy – especially the two main policy bodies in the U.S. government, the Deputies Committee and the Principals Committee – with analysis that seeks to put immediate issues in a wider context of substance or time. He will lay out his priorities for intelligence, then address the particular challenges of the counterterrorism mission, concluding with lessons from that experience for both intelligence and policy.


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