🎯🎯🎯🎯 TRON DIGITAL LIFE 🎯🎯🎯 An Unique Crowd Funding Concept 💰 💰 💰 💰 💰 💰 💰
Community Building Program 🤝🤝🤝🤝🤝
Power of 🆔 Upgrade 👍👍👍👍👍

Friends, when you upgrade your 🆔, 45% of your upgrade amount goes to the person who has joined you in this community and 45% goes to the person with whom your level matches.

But what will be your benefit, let's understand this:

If you upgrade your 🆔 by 15$, then in return you will get 27$ from 4 people Funding comes.
If you upgrade your 🆔 by 30$ then you get funding of 108$ from 8 people.
If you upgrade your 🆔 by 60$ then you get funding of 432$ from 16 people.
If you upgrade your 🆔 by 200$ then you get funding of 2880$ from 32 people.
If you upgrade your 🆔 by 500$ then you get funding of 14400$ from 64 people.
If you upgrade your 🆔 by 1000$, then you get funding of 57600$ from 128 people.
If you upgrade your 🆔 by 2000$ then you get funding of 2,30,400$💰 from 256 people.
If If you upgrade your 🆔 from 5000$ then you get funding of 11,52,000$💰 from 512 people.

You can calculate it yourself in INR, which is more than 13 crores funding.

When you make someone join this community with 10$, you get 9$ joining. You can join unlimited people directly. By upgrading the level or matric upgrade of every direct member, you get 45% direct sponsor income every time, whether your 🆔 is upgraded or not,

But to get 45% level income or placement upline income from your team, it is necessary for your own 🆔 to upgrade to that level before your team.

After three level upgrades, when you enter Global Community with just 50$, you get back up support of 2.5 crores separately. Global Community Matrix income is also distributed 45% - 45% among 2 people.

When you upgrade your 🆔 to Matrix, 45% of your upgrade amount goes to the person who has joined you in this community and 45% goes to the person who is called your Global Matrix Structure Wise Placement Upline.

You will keep getting 1 Crore ₹ from 6 Matrix Communities through Unlimited Time Re-entry and 1.5 Crore ₹ Level Community

Income, by upgrading the level of a member from level 4 to level 9, you get 5% income.

But to get 5% of Level Community income, it is necessary for your 🆔 to be upgraded from 105$.

Friends, understand this plan properly and teach it to your team. I see that many people who have joined do not have the right knowledge of the plan.
Some people call me and say that sir, I joined Tron Digital Life 8 months ago and I did not earn even a single rupee. When I asked them how much did you join for, they said 10$, and how many people joined, they said none. So friends, such people will never earn any income.
When I saw their structure, I saw that a team was formed under them through active upline and many people have upgraded 🆔 up to 200$. Then I told them that if you had not joined even once and upgraded your 🆔 up to 200$, then you would have earned about 3500$ till now.
So friends, those who joined only by 10$ 🆔 Those who have left after putting it, they will never get any income.
If you want income then upgrade your 🆔 to at least 6 level. And also keep entry in Smart Matrix. And if possible, book your package till Silver Matrix and Gold Matrix. Boom Boom Tron Digital Life. Mission Carorepati 🎉🎉🎆✨💯🥳

Friends, once again I would like to say that understand the super plan of Tron Digital Life properly. 🎉🎉🎉🙏🙏👍👍🎯🎯🎯🎯🎯🎯🎯🎯🎯🎯👍👍


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