Why Germans & Austrians have NEVER HEARD of "The Sound of Music" | Feli from Germany

Описание к видео Why Germans & Austrians have NEVER HEARD of "The Sound of Music" | Feli from Germany

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The Sound of Music is one of the most successful movies of all time. The 1965 musical drama starring Julie Andrews is set in Salzburg, Austria during the Third Reich. So how come neither Austrians nor Germans know of the movie even though it's an international classic?

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ABOUT ME: Hallo, Servus, and welcome to my channel! My name is Felicia (Feli), I'm 30 years old, and I'm a German living in the USA! I was born and raised in Munich, Germany but have been living in Cincinnati, Ohio off and on since 2016. I first came here for an exchange semester during my undergrad at LMU Munich, then I returned for an internship, and then I got my master's degree in Cincinnati. I was lucky enough to win the Green Card lottery and have been a permanent resident since 2019! In my videos, I talk about cultural differences between America and Germany, things I like and dislike about living here, and other topics I come across in my everyday life in the States. Let me know what YOU would like to hear about in the comments below. DANKE :)
0:00 Intro
4:34 Plot
9:13 Reception in the USA
10:42 Reception in Germany/Austria
11:37 Reason 1: Previous Movies
12:17 Reason 2: Authenticity
14:46 Reason 3: Music
16:41 Reason 4: Historical Inaccuracies
18:30 Reason 5: Nazi Plotline
20:44 Conclusion
21:01 Sound of Music Tourism
22:25 Have you seen the movie??


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