MODAL INTERCHANGE Explained Crystal Clear – Next Level Chord Progressions

Описание к видео MODAL INTERCHANGE Explained Crystal Clear – Next Level Chord Progressions

What is modal interchange? And what is modal mixture? In this crystal clear guitar tutorial you will learn all about Modal Interchange, a technique for composing awesome and surprising chord progressions. Take you songs to the next level! Everything is explained with top notch graphics and tablature on screen. You will learn to use this technique to create chord progressions with borrowed chords from a parallel key or mode. Think of the dorian, phrygian, lydian, mixolydian and Locrian mode. This technique of mixing tonalities is used in modern Jazz, but is also a great asset for rock guitar players and suitable for other styles of guitar soloing. I show you why and when to use a certain chord to get a certain effect. Never a boring progression again. You also learn how to improvise over modal mixtures.

You can support me on my patreon page (also for tabs of the licks played in this video):

Artwork: (c) 2020) Rob van Hal

Ibanez JEM 7vb (
Ibanez SD GR Bass (
Takamine GD930 (
Castilla Classical Guitars
Samson Concert 99 Wireless system
Rode Microphone
Axe FX II (

Social Media/contact:
   / qjamtracks  

(c)2020 Rob van Hal, Netherlands

What is modal interchange,
Modal interchange,
Modal mixture,
Borrowing chords,
Writing chord progressions
Jazz chord progressions,
Modulating chord progressions,
Fusion chords progressions,
What is modal mixture,
Modal interchange tutorial,
Modal mixture tutorial,
Modal chord progressions,
Tonal Harmony,
Modal inerchange,
Q jam tracks,
Guitar tutorial,
Steve Vai,
For the love of god,
Stevie wonder


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