Cantigas De Santa Maria • Codice Calixtino • Martin Codax - Grupo Un. De Camara De Compostela

Описание к видео Cantigas De Santa Maria • Codice Calixtino • Martin Codax - Grupo Un. De Camara De Compostela

Ensemble: Grupo Universitario De Camara De Compostela
Album: Cantigas De Santa Maria, Códice Calixtino E Martín Códax
Video: Juegos diversos de Axedrex, dados, y tablas con sus explicaciones, ordenados por mandado del Rey don Alfonso el sabìo (+ many illuminations from the manuscripts of the CSM)
  / musicamedievale  

This 2021 is the anniversary of the 800 years from the birth of Alfonso X El Sabio. To celebrate him, this year I'll share many versions of his Cantigas! This is the fourth video about it, you can find the others easily on the channel. 🌻

Alfonso X was born in 1221, he was King of the Romans, of Castile and León. His father was Ferdinand III, a liberal man called "the Saint" and the "King of religions" as during his reign he managed to make Christians, Muslims and Jews coexist in peace. His mother was Elisabetta Hohenstaufen, nephew of Frederick Barbarossa. From the sources that speak of his life we ​​know that in his youth Alfonso was surrounded by numerous paramours and politically helped his father in many military campaigns, but it was his love for Art that made him immortal with the nickname "El Sabio". In 1254 Alfonso endowed with many privileges the school of Salamanca, founded by his grandfather, and thanks to Pope Alexander IV, he obtained permission to make the school an international university allowing its graduates to teach anywhere, except Paris and Bologna. Alfonso tried to bring together all the knowledge of his time in the language spoken by his subjects by founding the School of Translators of Toledo; the Muslim and Jewish sages of his court translated ancient Arabic and Hebrew works into Castilian. His scientific, historical and literary work was fundamental; promoted the drafting and publication of a series of authoritative texts in various fields of artistic and scientific culture such as the Alfonsine Tables: astronomical tables capable of providing the positions of the Sun, planets, stars and the dates of eclipses. He was also an excellent poet and even the author of one of the first treatises on chess. However, it was Music that handed it over to legend thanks to the collection of the famous Cantigas de Santa Maria, monophonic songs of the XIII cent. now preserved in Madrid and Florence, containing an enormous number of compositions and representations of musical instruments and players. The outset of these compositions can be traced back to the troubadour art, which were so successful as to induce Alfonso X to use both the language and the form. Marian devotion was particularly in vogue in this century, the collection sees the participation of aristocrats and courtiers, bourgeois, friars, clerics and jesters of humble origins, but protected in the courts. King Alfonso himself composed cántigas, some of which incite poets and jesters to dedicate their efforts and inspiration to the “Santa Dama”. In addition to the Cantigas de Santa Maria, the Cantigas de Amigo, popular, melodious and melancholic, also spread in that period, showing some contact with the Mozarabic kharge in Arabic-Hebrew composed in the XI cent.. The work has great importance from a triple point of view: literary, musical and pictorial. Alfonso X inherited from his father Fernando III his musical chapel which brought together interpreters and composers of various cultures and who formed part of the alphonsine court, similar to his School of translators or scriptorium regio.

Cantigas De Santa Maria
1 179 Ben Sab'a Que Pod'e Val
2 11 Macar Ome Per Folis
3 100 Santa Maria, Strela Do Dia
4 215 Con Gran Razón
5 25 Pagar Ben Pode
6 353 Quien O Omagen De Virgen
7 37 Miragres Famosos
8 Des Oge Maís Quer

Codice Calixtino
9 Gratulantes Celebremus Festum
10 Annua Gaudia
11 Congaudeant Catholici

Cantigas De Amigo (Martín Códax)
12 Ai, Deus, Se Sab'ora
13 Quantas Sabedes Amar Amigo
14 Mandado Hei Comigo
15 Mia Hirmana Fremosa

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